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真空 ›› 2022, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (3): 41-45.doi: 10.13385/j.cnki.vacuum.2022.03.09

• 薄膜 • 上一篇    下一篇


付学成, 乌李瑛, 栾振兴, 毛海平, 王英   

  1. 上海交通大学先进电子材料与器件校级平台,上海 200240
  • 收稿日期:2021-09-10 出版日期:2022-05-25 发布日期:2022-06-01
  • 通讯作者: 王英,副教授。
  • 作者简介:付学成(1978-),男,河南省夏邑县人,硕士。
  • 基金资助:
    *2020 年度上海交通大学决策咨询立项课题(JCZXSJA2020-002)

Modification of Tungsten Crucible for Electron Beam Evaporation of Silver Film

FU Xue-cheng, WU Li-ying, LUAN Zhen-xing, MAO Hai-ping, WANG Ying   

  1. Advanced Electronics Materials and Devices, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
  • Received:2021-09-10 Online:2022-05-25 Published:2022-06-01

摘要: 采用钨坩埚和电子束蒸发设备蒸镀金属银薄膜时,银在熔融状态下和钨坩埚是浸润的,坩埚内熔融金属的液面呈凹陷形状。这类凹陷形状的蒸发源,常常会导致被沉积薄膜的均匀性变差。根据固体表面微结构会改变液体与固体接触角的理论,本文尝试用化学腐蚀的方法在光滑平整的钨坩埚内壁上加工出沟槽阵列,来改变熔融金属材料与钨坩埚内壁的接触角,从而改变液态银与钨坩埚壁的浸润性。结果表明,当沟槽宽约1mm,深约0.5mm,周期约2mm时,熔融的金属银和钨坩埚内壁不再浸润。用改造前和改造后的钨坩埚分别蒸镀厚度100nm的银膜,发现改造后的钨坩埚可以有效提高蒸镀薄膜的均匀性。

关键词: 电子束蒸发, 钨坩埚, 银薄膜, 微结构, 均匀性

Abstract: When using tungsten crucible and electron beam evaporation equipment to evaporate silver thin film, silver is infiltrated with tungsten crucible in the molten state,and the liquid level of molten metal in the crucible is concave. Such concave evaporation sources often lead to poor uniformity of the as-deposited films. According to the principle that the microstructure of the object surface will change the contact angle between liquid and solid, a groove array is fabricated on the smooth inner wall of tungsten crucible by chemical corrosion. By changing the contact angle between the molten metal material and the inner wall of the tungsten crucible, the wettability of liquid silver and the wall of tungsten crucible can be adjusted. The results show that when the groove width is about 1mm,the depth is about 0.5mm and the period is about 2mm, the inner wall of the molten silver and tungsten crucible becomes no longer infiltrated. 100nm-thick silver film is evaporated with unmodified and modified tungsten crucible, respectively, and it is found that the uniformity of the evaporated film can be improved effectively by using the modified tungsten crucible.

Key words: electron beam evaporation, tungsten crucible, silver film, microstructure, uniformity


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